وظيفة شاغرة مطلوب عامل/ة اجتماعي

job in lebanon وظائف في لبنان
job in lebanon وظائف في لبنان
يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟:
اسم الشخص المسؤول:
Sara Khansa
Contact Person Position:
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:

Major Responsibilities:

  • Ensure cases harmed or at risk of being harmed are identified and receive individual case management support by conducting documentation, assessments, action plans, direct service provision, referrals, and follow-ups for an assigned caseload;
  • Make recommendations to ensure spaces are made safe and appropriate for case management;
  • Be available to provide basic emotional support for urgent cases;
  • Conduct a psychosocial assessment of vulnerable cases, including environmental, emotional, behavioral, and social factors as well as resources and strengths that impact the individual well-being;
  • Ensure the preparation of accurate case plans for high-risk cases identified with clear outcomes and time-frame;
  • Monitor and follow up on the outcome of the assistance provided;
  • Conduct awareness sessions on GBV and SRHR in coordination with the project coordinator;


  • Ensure coordination with other service providers in the area of intervention for prompt referral, follow-up, and information sharing;
  • Manage, fill, and archive specific forms for cases profiling, referral, and monthly reporting ensuring confidentiality, accuracy, and timeliness;
  • Manage Fe-Male’s hotline;
  • Be available to participate in meetings and training in and outside the center including case management meetings, case conference meetings, or any other meetings when required;
  • Communicate regularly with the coordinator and Executive Director for updates on achievements and challenges;
  • Communicate and coordinate with the legal committee at Fe-Male;
  •  Accomplish any other assignments allocated by line managers.

Job Purpose: To work directly with the cases

Reporting to: Programs Coordinator

Relations with Others: Close working relationship with the Lawyer and the Programs Coordinator


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