وظائف مبيعات لشركة UTC في عددة مناطق

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وظائف شاغرة

وظائف مبيعات لشركة UTC في عددة مناطق

UTC company in lebanon
Hiring [ Sales Representative ] in the field of pharmacies & Markets for (Iklim, baabda, Hazmieh & beirut City) and other person for Maten & jounieh region
Note: ” Salesman Only from these regions with his car ”
Main Duties: Sell all products and build a solid ground in the market.
An experience of not less than five years
Attractive salary with commission depending on the experience and strength of the sales representative

Basic salary 450$ + mobile recharge + Fuel + commission

Note : paramedical products

Send your CV by email and whatsapp and for more information contact us:

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