مطلوب عمال اليومية (3) – صور
Program Description:
In light of recent developments along the Lebanese Southern border, which have seen Israeli forces engaging in shelling and bombardment of villages, a significant number of individuals and families have been forced to evacuate their homes. Many have sought refuge further north, in locations such as Tyre, Saida, Chouf, and Beirut, in order to escape the escalating conflict.
While some have been fortunate to find housing with relatives, a substantial portion of these Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) has found shelter in temporary accommodations such as schools, mosques, and similar shelters. It is crucial to emphasize that a considerable portion of these individuals and families are now grappling with acute vulnerabilities and are in urgent need of assistance. This assistance encompasses non-food items (NFIs), including items such as hygiene kits, mattresses, blankets, and other essential necessities, as well as vital support in terms of food and healthcare.
Mercy Corps is looking to hire 3 daily workers for a period of 45 days to assist with the below tasks:
- Supporting distribution in collective shelters
- Providing assistance at the household level if required
- Collecting documents during distribution
- Ensuring adherence to the distribution plan
- Assisting in the post-distribution monitoring process
- Perform additional tasks as requested
Ideally, we would prefer the workers to be from the Sour area for the sake of convenience in commuting and for security reasons.
- Lebanon
- الجنوب
مطلوب عمال اليومية (3) – صور
Due to the economic conditions that Lebanon is going through, I started looking for any job in order to support my family and live a decent life for them. Thank you for your interest.
احتاج الى العمل لضرورة قسوى لدي طفل مريض وانا لم اعد استطع العمل في الأعمال الحرة بسبة كبر سني قليلا”
كيف الحال
اتمنى ان تقبلوا طلبي للحصول على وظيفة انا عامل اعمل في جميع المجالات وخبرتي واسعة في اعمال الصيانه والبناء
درست معهد الحاسوب بس ما تخرجت منو بسبب الاوضاع الراهنه في سوريا واناحاليا في لبنان اعمل في مجال البناء
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