مطلوب Teacher Assistant لدى Ana Aqra Association
Job purpose
The position of Teacher Assistant (TA) assumes a role dealing with classroom teachers, students, non-teaching staff and parents. The TA will support the teachers inside and outside their classrooms, coordinate with Field Officer all the resources, collect data and reports from teachers and take the place of the teacher when absent. He/she will report to the Field Officer. The main focus of duty is to enable the implementation of the program that will improve teachers’ performance and students’ reading performance.
Duties and responsibilities
Major Code of Conduct
A TA is responsible for and protective of the teachers, other non-teaching staff, students, parents, and school administrative team.
A TA is responsible to report to the Field Officer under which he or she works.
A TA is an advocate for the teachers, other non-teaching staff, parents and students.
A TA is responsible to uphold the integrity and the values of Ana Aqra Association through words and actions; and foster development of diverse concepts and new ideas.
TA Scope of Practice:
TA provides an important contribution to the cluster of classrooms in a variety of capacities. The following areas are major points in service delivery:
Collect data from teachers and other non-teaching staff and reinforce the use of all evaluation tools.
Supports and advises teachers and non-teaching staff, whenever needed after consulting with the Field Officer.
Mediate and resolve arising conflicts according to Ana Aqra Association guidelines and beneficiaries’ wellbeing.
Provide support in the classrooms such as attend the classroom when teacher is absent, assess children and conference with them when needed.
Control the school inventory and report to the filed officer on the quantity and needed items
Collect and Compile logistic papers (Attendance sheet, driver’s forms, etc.) for the field officer.
General Guidelines:
1- A TA must have knowledge of the classrooms he/ she is responsible for.
2- In carrying out the role of a TA, he or she should have an active interest in the success of the program. The TA should have an interest in the growth and development of the teachers, and other non-teaching staff that will enhance students’ performance.
3- A TA will serve as a resource of information about the program
Serve as a communicator for teachers and parents;
Act as a role model and source of moral and technical support for teachers, and other non-teaching staff, students, parents and community members.
Act as a troubleshooter as issues and problems arise, after consulting with the Field Officer.
Specific Duties and Responsibilities:
Working with teachers and other non-teaching staff:
In order to succeed in applying our program in schools and supporting teachers and other staff, the TA must adequately perform the following points to assist in creating a successful working relationship:
Involve teachers and other staff in their own school experience by instilling a sense of belonging and school pride.
Explore with teachers and field officer factors contributing to success or failure of the program and of students.
Collect data using objective evaluation tools developed by the program evaluation expert and program director to assess children when needed.
Collect data, and other needed documents and report students’ performance to the Field Office.
Working with Other Staff:
A TA is a member of Ana Aqra Association working staff and community. In the spirit of collegiality the TA works with other staff members to assist in the functioning of a professional success of programs.
Advocate for teachers and other staff with Field officer.
Assist the field Officer in communicating with teachers on issues of professional performance and discipline.
Replace teachers in his/ her classroom in case of absence to maintain the flow of work.
Visit all classrooms on a daily basis and assist the teachers when needed
Assist teachers in carrying out their program when necessary in particular conferencing with children and running assessment.
Professional Development Responsibilities of TA:
1) To develop an understanding of one’s self and one’s professional goals in the field work of the program.
2) To develop an understanding of the purposes, roles and functions of various components of the program.
3) To develop knowledge of the principles and techniques of effective teaching of Reading and Writing.
4) To develop an understanding of professional development opportunities and paths within the field.
5) To develop knowledge of and skills in using basic resource materials.
6) To develop knowledge of the targeted population, diversity and important issues that will enhance reintegrating and retaining students into the public school.
Establish and maintain effective working relationships with children, parents, staff, and program specialists.
Good numeracy/literacy skills.
Previous experience working with children.
Ability to relate well to children and adults.
Ability to work constructively as part of a team.
Good understanding of classroom roles and responsibilities.
Ability to comply with policies and procedures relating to child protection, health, safety and security, confidentiality, data protection and equal opportunities.
Ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
Good communication skills and patience.
Enthusiastic, Energetic, responsible with wide imagination
Responsibilities within the Internal Control System
Ana Aqra Association’s Internal Control Systems (ICS) encompass a set of rules, policies, and procedures that the organization implements to provide reasonable assurance that:
(a) Its financial reports are reliable,
(b) Its operations are effective and efficient, and
(c) Its activities comply with applicable laws and regulations.
The organization’s board of directors, management, and other personnel are responsible for the internal control system. Thus, a TA is responsible for the ICS and non-compliance will result in direct dismissal.
All documents are confidential and should not be shared with any person without the consent of the Field Officer. Information requests from outsiders are forwarded to the Field Officer, which in turn will be forwarded to Project Coordinator. The TA shall assist grantors’ visitation when they are visiting the schools. At that time, the TA shall answer questions, share information; show documents etc. to facilitate the visit.
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مطلوب Teacher Assistant لدى Ana Aqra Association
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