وظائف شاغرة وظفتك Protection Officer
Applications submitted without cover letters and title of the position will be disregarded.
Nabad has zero-tolerance towards sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment
Scope of the Job:
The Protection Officer will be responsible for the timely and quality delivery of GBV field level activities with technical support from the protection coordinator/manager. She/he will manage the team there and ensure the smooth running of program in close coordination with other CP&GBV /Protection actors internally within the organization and externally.
Job Description:
- Work closely with the Protection manager/coordinator inside or outside the organization, to Initiate planning for longer-term CP prevention and response activities, including referral pathway and standard operating procedures.
Maintain, monitor and measure the project implementation and contribute to effective information management on children, adhering to the national guidance on case management and the SOPs.
- Closely work with case workers, outreach workers, peer facilitators, etc to ensure that best practices are respected and international standards are met in responding and preventing to child protection and gender based violence.
- Oversee case management including follow up on referrals and action plans, and support services provided to vulnerable children, ensuring that the children receive the minimum package.
- Conduct monitoring visits on field level to the GBV activities and awareness sessions and fill the appropriate documents.
- Coordinate closely with other sector partners (education and Wash) to make sure providing the beneficiaries a holistic services based on their needs
- Update the protection manager in all team plans, achievements and challenges.
- Attend gender based violence and child protection Interagency meeting on local level on a regular basis and share updated with the relevant colleagues.
- Conduct regular meeting with Protection team to plan for the project activities, share updated and challenges.
- Provide trainings to the staff on CP/GBV related topics and attend trainings when its needed for building the capacity of the team.
- Coordinate with the logistics and finance team to ensure the project activities are well implemented using the needed materials.
- Coordinate closely with relevant stakeholders to ensure the quality of services are provided.
- Conduct monitoring of program activities and ensure standards are followed.
- Conduct monitoring to partner activities in their various locations in close coordination with the M&E officer as may requested by supervisor.
- Ensure the proper documentation of data collected (hard and soft copies) during CP sessions… (Attendance sheets, permission slips, consent, referrals etc.)
- Assist in conducting assessments and MEL tools with the coordination with MEAL department.
- Submit quality reports as scheduled including but not limited to weekly, monthly etc
- Filling clear data of the beneficiaries’ accessing CP prevention and response services through filling hard and soft copies of attendance sheets and trackers, in addition to other needed tools (referral tracker, Impact tracker…)
- Assist in data collection and analyzing of the data based with support from MEAL team.
- Keep the data collected from the beneficiaries secured and confidential, especially the CM data.
- Lebanon
- البقاع
وظائف شاغرة وظفتك Protection Officer
أتقدم من حضرتكم بطلب وظيفة
الإسم: جهاد الهق
هاتف 71281610
السكن: البقاع
المستوى العلمي:إجازة في العلوم الاجتماعية
الخبرات: ٢٥ سنة تعليم رياضيات
٢٤ تربية في الأقسام الداخلية في جمعية المبرات الخيرية
دورات في إعداد مناهج تربوية وتقديمها باستراتيجيات ناشطة، اشراف على المعلمين ، حل المشكلات، ….
خبرة في التدريب التربوي
خبرة في استخدام الحاسوب word, power point,…