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1. Work to provide essential medicines in the health center and dispense them in the correct way through:
Preparing an order for medicines using the correct scientific methods, and pursuing orders.
Establishing a clear system that shows how to store medicines and supervise their coordination and storage/preservation at an appropriate temperature and humidity in closed medicine cabinets tightly and with the correct scientific methods, and according to the expiration date. In the case of preservation in the refrigerator designated for medicines, this shall be recorded in a special record.
Adhere to the instructions for medicines that are still or are nearing expiry.
Using the HIS system that indicates who dispenses medicines, and monitors pharmacy workers ’commitment to recording drug dispensing.
Receive beneficiaries cheerfully and help them secure their medication needs.
Dispensing medications according to the quantities prescribed by doctors.
Refraining from dispensing medications at doses exceeding the doses specified by doctors.
Write down or supervise the recording of how to use the medicine in a clear font on its packaging, educate the patient on how to use dispensed medicines, and ensure that the patient understands the information recorded.
Ensure that there is a list of drugs available in the center according to the indications for use in each clinic of the center.
Preparing a monthly report that includes a census of the beneficiaries according to the type of medicine, the percentage of drugs prescribed by the doctors, in addition to the self-evaluation of the workflow within the medicine room, and the development proposals and submitting it to the director of the center.
Sending monthly reports on the center’s need for medicines provided by the Ministry of Health and the supporting authorities.
2. Monitoring the optimal prescription of drugs by doctors in the health center by reviewing:
The completeness and clarity of the prescription data before dispensing it to the patient.
Ensure that the medication prescribed for diagnosis is appropriate and does not interfere with other medications that the patient is taking (Medication Reconciliation).
3. Managing drug records in the pharmacy by ensuring that:
Availability of prescriptions, custody records, and forms of pharmacy activity.
Save and tabulate prescriptions that have been dispensed by correct methods.
Completing and updating the data in the custody records and on the computer.
4. Participating in the health awareness programs held by the center by ensuring that:
5. Maintaining a safe environment for oneself and others through:
6. Commitment to the center’s bylaws, and to abide by the established work policies and procedures within the center regularly, in addition to:
7. Participate to the Inventory required by the PHC.
8. Developing key business relationships and maintaining their smooth functioning:
9. Work to develop self-performance and the performance of his assistants through:
10. Respecting and appreciating patients and preserving the ethics of the profession, including the commitment to professional confidentiality.
Read More at: https://daleel-madani.org/ar/node/333705 Copyrights © 2019 Lebanon Support. All rights reserved.
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