The Department of State and U.S. Embassy Beirut value a workforce of different backgrounds, cultures, and viewpoints and provide equal employment opportunity, with fair and equitable treatment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status or sexual orientation. We strive to create a welcoming environment for all and encourage applicants with diverse backgrounds and experiences to apply.
All applications must be associated with an open position advertised in the Electronic Recruitment Application (ERA) and submitted only through ERA. Unsolicited resumes (CVs) and/or interest through other channels are not accepted. Vacant positions are advertised for a minimum of 14 days.
Before you start with your employment application, make sure to check the below for eligibility:
- Open to all interested candidates: vacancy is open to everyone – وظيفة متاحة للجميع
- Open to current employees of the Embassy: vacancy is only open to internal employees of the Embassy – وظيفة متاحة لموظفي السفارة الحاليين
- Open to USEFMs; EFMs; MOHs: vacancy is open to family members of U.S. diplomats assigned to Lebanon – وظيفة متاحة لأفراد عائلات الدبلوماسيين الأميركيين المعينين في لبنان
• أخصائي برنامج (مدير برنامج المنح) – الموعد النهائي: 5 أبريل
• موظف إداري (عمليات المباني الخارجية) – الموعد النهائي: 13 أبريل
• موظف إداري (سياسي – اقتصادي) – الموعد النهائي: 13 نيسان (أبريل)
تحقق من التفاصيل وتقدم على lb.usembassy.gov/jobs.
قم بكتابة اول تعليق